Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gasp! Water!! Water!! No wait...Coins, Gimme Coins!!

One gold (digger) fish money purse for Radhika, who lost hers to MTC pick-pocket: CHECK

Patent for cute purse design: COMING SOOOOON :P

His loopy smile was the hardest to stitch :)


gnothi seauton said...

thats some mean stitching there ;)

saary for the mokkai...
wait..i got another one..
why is referring to someone as a math guy considered inappropriate..
because then, he'd be mean or average..or deviant :P

Poshgit said...

ayyo...remba danks for staying on the topic of complimenting my stitching :)

Mrs.B said...

I like how poor girl from Bengaluru is being ignored after one tiger! Both the tiger and the "best friend" have abandoned me!What a mean life! (Continuing the tradition of the mokkai :))