Friday, April 27, 2007

That creative side of me...

So I've been drawing, painting, and randomly reveling in all things handmade - making gifts/cards for friends, stuffed animals, embroidery, etc etc - all my life, but only recently has this urge to make, make, make struck the self so violently. So I figured the only way to balance a henceforth hectic existence (assuming my first job will be at least a little demanding!) is to start indulging in some all-out creativity. And what better way to force myself to do that than to dedicate a blog to my crafty-ness! (ha ha, yeah right...this coming from a lazy blogger!)

But anyway, I hope all the goodies I've made till date will inspire me to make more and better ones...ha ha, yeah right again! Hey, but one can hope :)

Enjoy all that is to follow! :)


gnothi seauton said...

first comment!! yaay!!

requests? of each please!

good luck with the...venture!

....was when i was thinking of a substitute for 'hand-jobs'...venture is second grade compared to that gold-mine you'd agree!!

all the beshtu!

Poshgit said...

he he he :) Thank you thank you!

Hand jobs it seems, thu! :)

AtomicGitten said...

Hail Gepetto!