Friday, April 9, 2010

A Silver Anniversary, and a daughter who can't do faces.

Reactions to above portrait, a late gift of lowe and affection for parents on their 25th anniversary:
*Mother: My nose is awful! And I'm not fatter than him!! (pointing to hapless Father). And we are not Caucasians!!! ...(afterthought) Thank you, what a beautiful gift!
*Father: Um, thanks. My hair is silver, not white. We are not Caucasians.
*Colleagues/mild critics: Improve the face-drawing love. (afterthought) What a naice gift!
*Not-so-mild critics: Duuuuuuuuude, you 't CAN'T draw faces!!
*Self: I know. Sigh. I'm getting there world :)
In my defence, it was the first attempt at a portrait AND a pastel painting. Hence the chalky bad colour-mixing :)
Post script: You put our picture on your blog???! Aaaaaaaarrrggggh my nooooooooooose!

1 comment:

notgogol said...

Cute be this :)

P.S. Lady, you lost your twitter account?

or have you always been Parthiban G and lied about your name, sex and all the other jazz?